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Photo 2010 Mr. Kim Letkeman

This is Willowmina.

Willowmina is 14 years old and her claim to fame is how beautifully she has aged. She is the most perfect shade of “salt and pepper” grey. Willowmina is a very gentle and cuddly 14 year old pug who still enjoys a good time at the BI-Annual Ottawa PugFest.


Photo (c) 2007 Heather Dawe
Here is another special Pug.

It is Susan and Meredith Beyer's Tiberius. I have taken the picture from their web site.

Tiberius is the founding Pug of the Pugnic. He hosted the Pugnic for 7 years until he became ill with diabetes and cataracts. Since his eye surgery, he sees just fine and his diabetes is under control.

Ty plans on attending many more PugFest’s as a social player rather than the host.

Thank you Susan and Tiberius for starting something that has been a fun filled event since its inception!


Rocky was born Feb 3, 2003 in Becancour, Quebec, breeders Michelle & Jean Brunelle. Both of Rocky's parents have been 1st place champion show pugs. Rocky's claim to fame is being a graduate of the Therapeutic Paws of Canada. Every week we go with Rocky to The Perley and Rideau Veterans' Resident and put smiles on the faces of the wonderful people who live there. Rocky has many people and dog friends here in Orleans, we are blessed to be his peoples!

Ruth & Steve Kelly


Pets of the Week are pictures of my two Pugs, Cora (5 year old black) and Clancy (3 year old fawn). They love to attend the Bi-Annual PugFest held at the dog park at Landsdowne Park on the last Sunday of May and September to play with Pugs just like them (last May there were 162 Pugs to play with!) My pugs are little clowns who love to make me laugh. They are a happy-go-lucky pair that enjoy sitting on your lap and keeping you warm on cold winter nights. And...when they wag their curly little tails, their whole bum wags too! When you see how cute they are, you can't help but go "awwwww" when they look into their big brown eyes and their expressive wrinkled faces.

Anne Moreside